Monday 8 April 2013

Zombies in Malaysia: Why Star Wars Director, Roger Christian Wants Malaysia as the Next Location for His New Flick

Oscar nominee Roger Christian has voiced his interest in using Malaysia as his location for his upcoming zombie flick, titled the ‘Temple of the Undead’.

The famed Star Wars and Ridley Scott’s ‘Alien’ art director voiced his interest after visiting the Digital Mix Stage Studio at National Film Development Corporation of Malaysia (FINAS) last month. Roger Christian’s planned trip to Malaysia acts as one of his effort for a corporate film project with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and at the same time to attract investors to the country.

According to Roger, the film would be 100 percent filmed and produced in Malaysia. “We will be using Malaysian actors, locations and special effects, it will be much more tribal with battles in the jungle with head hunters. I want my zombies to be different,”” he said during the meeting with the press. 
So, a film with zombies and headhunters here in Malaysia, sounds interesting enough doesn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. We have enough of Sombie movies. Film something more real and dramatic. If Roger Christian doesn't have one I can provide him one.
