Sunday 29 July 2012

... where aesthetic values find its place

ELLO all! This is a blog created simply to ensure that the name MyCreative Venture and/or the ref are secured for the use of MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd ('MyCreative'). However, it is not intended that this blog will represent the official internet appearance of MyCreative. It is only meant for MyCreative to channel good stories, experiences and promote the creative industry via "bloggersphere" (Not sure how I should spell this word).

MyCreative was incorporated on 20 April 2012 under the Malaysian Companies Act, 1965, by the Minister of Finance Incoporated ('MoF(Inc)') as aspired by our Prime Minister, Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Najib Razak, when Y.A.B. Dato' Seri announced RM200 million to be dedicated for this purpose out of the 2012 Budget. MyCreative is a Government investment arm mandated to spur the Malaysian creative industry via strategic and innovative funding in a form of equity or debt investments. Yes! it invests! Therefore no grants people. What do we mean by "creative industry"? Well, we are working on the official definition but for the time being, Dato' Sri Utama Rais Yatim's Dasar Industri Kreatif Negara (DIKN) would be appropriate. This covers visual arts, performing arts, music, literature, content creation, fashion & design and traditional cultural arts. At this juncture, the management team is being created and procedures for public to pitch their ideas are still being formulated. Soon it will be made public... be patient guys.

As mentioned earlier, this is not an official internet appearance of MyCreative but it will make references to the official website when established. The official website is where we will deposit information on procedures, corporate and other serious business matters. Here on the blog, we wish to keep it relaxed, unofficial, cheerful yet informative: We will blog about those areas that we focus on such as visual arts, performing arts, music, literature, content creation, fashion & design and traditional cultural arts. We will blog about our experiences. We will blog about lessons to be learnt. We will blog about success stories. We will blog about others who inspire aesthetic values.

Why do we accept arrogance and ignorance that led creativity to a forgotten phenomenon in our lives? Even the God and prophets of human civilisation shone through it. Will it not appear awkward if we deny creativity as part of our existence?

Our civilisations are somewhat influenced by creativity, historical or contemporary, both with significant impact. No doubt ancient civilisations extinct, but they leave behind elements of culture, a legacy that survives throughout time. Creativity is one of the important elements of culture. Creativity and human evolution is inseparable. Unfortunately, many people do take things for granted by ignoring the importance of creative elements in their lives. Why do we accept arrogance and ignorance that led creativity to a forgotten phenomenon in our lives? Even the God and prophets of human civilisation shone through it. Will it not appear awkward if we deny creativity as part of our existence? Hence it should be honorable to embrace creativity, in whatever form it may be. The very least we can do is to show appreciation in the role of these creative people who have been the sculptor of culture by continuously shaping our civilisation. MyCreative, is where aesthetic values find its place.

So fellow Malaysians, watch the space. MyCreative will be launched soon and once we kick start the operations, there is no looking back. We move forward for the sake of Malaysian creative industry. God Bless!

* MyCreative Blog Administrator

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